Monday, July 13, 2015

life lately ~ picture post

I turned 19 last month...spent a wonderful day with Mom, that included this... #yesplease

My lovely Mom and I...

I found a treasure!  Not that I have time to read anything other than Western Civilization right now. '_'

And since I'm 19, I figured it was time to grow up and buy a pair of heels.  Scary, very scary.  I'm not sure how many people and shoe shelves I almost took out.  '_'  *walks around carefully*  *I think I've got this*  *gets more confident*  *flails wildly*  *almost breaks legs and pulls down shelves*  *other shoppers ask if I am ok* *no, not really*
 Sending awkward mirror selfies to my friend, who is encouraging me to do this brave thing...

And I finally settled on a pair of wedges...not quite as dangerous as those spiky ones.  :P  Slowly conquering the art of walking with an extra four inches on my feet and not running into stationary objects. :P

Tried on this dress....made me feel like Anne of Green Gables or something!  It swirled!  <3 (Swirled?  Twirled?  I think that would be twirled.  Whatever.)  But...that yellow mustard color?  Turned me grey.  :P

Coffee with my gorgeous Mom!  Pretty sure I had about two and a half weeks worth of calories on my birthday.  And I enjoyed every single one of them.

Mom made this and it was ahhhmazing.

Making pizza with my favorite guy <3

His face when he's tossing the dough and hits the light.  XD

Oh yes. ;)

My companions on the way to work.  On the left, iced coffee, in the middle, more iced coffee, and on the left, an Americano with an extra shot.  Everyone buckled?  We're off!

A little friend that was stealing my blood last week.  First deer tick I've had...they're SO TINY!  I'm guessing he got more caffeine than blood though, ha!  :P  A caffeinated deer tick....  

Awesome sunset in my rear view mirror <3

This is my "I'm talking to Joe" happy face. ;)  

Beautiful sunset I stopped for on the way home one evening.

Bro date, he took me out for my birthday.  <3 

Fourth of July celebration at a friends, and Ben's face after the pie eating contest.  XD

Girls against the boys, tug-o-war.  We whooped them.  :D  #girlpower

Seriously, the best part about my job is the whipped cream on top.  It's so much fun :D

And another gorgeous sunset.  He makes everything beautiful.  <3